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Mission Statement
HOME Mission Statement

서브 컨텐츠

In relationship with prestigious universities and pre-eminent international institutions, Kyung Hee University sets a new paradigm for higher education in the 21st century by cultivating future generations who will shape a better human society and a new civilization.

The program’s goals include

Building an international network through the exchange of human resources and collaborative research by

  • Developing and implementing an innovative academic program.
  • Creating a human network by training leaders of international society.
  • Forming an East Asian hub for education and research.

Providing students and professors with a variety of High-quality education and research opportunities by

  • Maintaining a central focus on Humanity, Civilization and Global Governance.
  • Featuring co-teaching by the professors of the world’s leading universities as well as international organizations

Cultivating world citizens as leaders of global civil society by

  • Educating young leaders who will advance the era of globalization.
  • Providing civic education through lectures on current global issues.

02447 서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26, 경희대학교 생활과학대학 615호 Tel : 02.961.0995~6 E-mail : summer@khu.ac.kr COPYRIGHT © KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.