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KHU Life

Campus Facilities
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Central Library

Currently located on the right side of the Main Administration Building, the Central Library was first opened in Gagyosa, Busan in 1951 with over 700 books. The building was later moved to its current site in 1968, where it now holds a collection of over 1,155,000 books and over 2,000 seats. There are study rooms, a reference material room, a special reference room, an information technology room, an antique collection room, a daily newspaper room, a seminar room, an audio-visual room, and a photocopy room. There are also sub-university central libraries located in the College of Oriental Medicine, the College of Dentistry, the College of Law, the College of Music, and inside the Graduate Institute of Peace Studies for more specific references.
Central Library Website

Kyung Hee University Medical Center(KMC)

Highlighting Kyung Hee's strength as the world's only university with five divisions of medical science including medicine, dentistry, oriental medicine, nursing, and pharmacology, Kyung Hee University's innovative treatment system is a collection of Eastern and Western medicine, in operation since 1965 to serve human society.
KH Medical Center Website

Cafeterias and Snack Corners

Cafeterias and snack corners on campus offer an ample variety of meals at reasonable prices, while restaurants off campus provide an exhaustive selection of tastes and styles.

Center for Students with Disabilities

The Center for Students with Disabilities was established in October 2008 to reform public opinions about people with disabilities by expanding higher education opportunities, raising quality of life, and integrating students with disabilities and those without them. The Center for Students with Disabilities supports students by offering academic assistance, scholarships, dormitories, on-campus welfare programs, and consulting.

Computer Labs

In addition to the dormitories and library, computer labs at each department provide free access to computing facilities.

Banking Services

Hana Bank is located on the first floor of the CheongWoonKwan, and ATMs in designated buildings, on the campus provide convenient access to banking services.

Post Office

The post office in the basement of the CheongWoonKwan(General Lecturer Bldg.) handles all mailing needs with business hours from 9 am to 4 pm for financial services and from 9 am to 6 pm for postal services.

On-Campus Annexes

A stationary, copy center, bookstore, cafeteria, gymnasium, souvenir store, travel agency, and other student facilities are located in the basement of the CheongWoonKwan (General Lecturer Bldg.).

Institute of International Education (IIE)

Promoting the internationalization and globalization of Kyung Hee University, the Institute of International Education is Korea's leading institution specializing in Korean and foreign languages. The IIE Korean Language Program was established in 1993 and is highly acknowledged for advancing research in Korean language and culture under the Korean government and other major institutions. Designated as the "Government commissioned institute to train foreign students invited to Korea on special invitation" in 1993, the program trains overseas Koreans and foreigners from prominent organizations such as the Korea International Cooperation Agency, Overseas Koreans Foundation, Korea Foundation, and the Korea Information Strategy Development Institute. Each year, the program attracts a total of approximately 1,200 overseas Koreans and foreigners from 50 countries around the world. The IIE "Korean Buddy System," made up of one-on-one partnerships between foreign and Korean peers at Kyung Hee, plays a particularly important role in furthering foreign students' understanding of the Korean language and culture and their adjustment to life in Korea.

The foreign languages program, in addition to standard English classes that enroll about 12,000 Kyung Hee students every year, offers conversation classes in a wide range of languages including English, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish, as well as TOEIC and TOEFL classes. Its highest-level language offerings include REACH and LEAP, and initiating an "intensive English training course for teachers of elementary and intermediate school " in 2001 under the Seoul Bureau of Education has established itself as a program of superior quality. In particular, the "Language Garden" has attracted about 2,000 participants since inaugurated in 2001 as a venue for the exclusive use of foreign languages, receiving outstanding reviews for building multicultural understanding and experience.

02447 서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26, 경희대학교 생활과학대학 615호 Tel : 02.961.0995~6 E-mail : summer@khu.ac.kr COPYRIGHT © KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.